
Making a Will with your partner or spouse who have wishes similar to yours.

Most couples, married or unmarried may use Mirror Wills if they have similar wishes for their estates in the event of their death. Mirror Wills are almost identical to each other save for the name and maybe funeral wishes. It is a cost effective way of both making Wills and most couples will opt for Mirror Wills given their wishes for their estates on death are similar.

It is important to note that either party to a Mirror Will can make a new Will if they wish and there is no requirement to inform the other person of the new updated Will.


  • Choose who will deal with your estate when you die.
  • Choose who will be appointed to look after your children when you die, if under the age of 18.
  • Appoint Trustees to look after inheritance for any children when you die, if under the age of 18.
  • Give details of who you wish to leave your assets to when you die.
  • Give specific gifts or items to certain people when you die.
  • Appoint a guardian and make specific wishes for any pets.
  • Detail any specific funeral wishes.

Mirror Will

Cost of 2 Mirror Wills
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